If you could check a box for better health, would you? If you answered yes, you are in luck. Although it isn’t as simple as clicking a button, taking a pill or buying a special cream, there are ways you can keep fit, stay strong and maintain your health. The answer is nutrition and exercise, and specifically strength training. In fact, researchers at Tufts University’s Exercise Lab stated that strength training is a potent age eraser.

Strength Training is actually better than a fountain of youth. When you see the many benefits, you will want to jump on board and get started right away.

Let’s first talk about what strength training prevents:

·         Age related muscle loss

·         Being susceptible to falls

·         Osteoporosis

·         Heart disease

·         Type 2 diabetes

·         Arthritis and arthritic pain

·         Depression

·         Fractures and broken bones

Second, let’s talk about what strength training improves:

·         Quality of sleep

·         Cognitive abilities

·         Bone health

·         Mobility and function of joints

·         Independence

·         Muscle strength

·         Glucose metabolism

·         Improved mood and outlook on life

·         Productivity, general well-being and quality of life

In addition to these benefits, strength training and exercise in general are fun activities to take part in. You can make them social by participating with your spouse, friends or family members. It is something you will look forward to doing each week.

You might be wondering how much time it will take or how to get started. First, it is always a good idea to speak with your physician before starting a new exercise program. Since every person has different physical abilities and limitations, it is advantageous to seek assistance from a personal trainer or trusted person with strength training experience to help you get started. Once you are able to begin, keep in mind it is best to start slow, with low weights or resistance bands.

Experts say adults can reap the benefits of strength training in as little as three sessions per week. But remember to follow the advice or recommendation from a qualified trainer or physician.

Nutritionally speaking, in addition to maintaining a healthy diet with protein, grains, fruit and vegetables, there are two key nutrients for bone health: Calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium is the building block of bone tissue and Vitamin D helps the body process and absorb calcium. The Institute of Medicine recommends 1,200 mg of calcium for women over 55 and men over 70. Adults need 600 IU of Vitamin D daily and adults over age 70 need 800 IU of Vitamin D each day to prevent fractures and falls. Your body does make Vitamin D naturally from sun exposure; however, most people don’t get enough. Supplements can be a good substitute. Other important vitamins for bone health are Vitamins A, K, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Magnesium and Zinc. 

We invite you to attend our October 18, 2017 Seminar with the topic of Health, Nutrition and Wellness for Active, Older Adults and learn more about this topic. Registration is free by calling 215.256.7845 or online at https://www.financialvoyages.com/educational-events-2-2/. We hope to see you there.

To download a free copy of “Growing Stronger: Strength Training for Older Adults,” or purchase a copy from Tufts University, please visit http://growingstronger.nutrition.tufts.edu/book.html



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International Osteoporosis Foundation, https://www.iofbonehealth.org/

Mullen, Deborah, The Importance of Strength Training for Older Adults, www.simplefitnesssolutions.com

Strength Training for Older Adults, http://growingstronger.nutrition.tufts.edu/index.html

Silver Sneakers, www.silversneakers.com


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